Next-Generation Security Platform – Firewalls, Endpoint, Threat Prevention.
Palo Alto Networks.
Protection Across All Traffic
User and application context and SSL decryption are basic features of our next-generation firewalls, allowing our threat prevention technologies to inspect and stop threats hiding within them. You’re also able to view threat logs within the context of applications and users, so you can fully understand the risks posed by specific applications.
Malware has become highly targeted and evasive to breach the organization’s perimeter by delivering threats that can move laterally, and extract valuable data, while remaining invisible to traditional security defenses. We protect your organization against these threats. We confront threats at each stage of the attack. Our Threat Prevention subscription includes vulnerability and exploit protection with IPS capabilities, malware protection, and command and control protection, to thoroughly defend your network at every location.
By augmenting the Threat Prevention service with WildFire™ and URL Filtering we are able to provide comprehensive protection and automatic updates against previously unknown threats within as little as 5 minutes.